Releasing the Wounds
of Sexual Trauma
8-Week Program
Clearing the Energetic Debris of Sexual Trauma
with the Masters of the Rose Lineage
Have you suppressed the pain of experiencing sexual trauma?
Have you been living with it for years and years, burying it deep within your subconscious?
Have you numbed out with addictive behaviours so that you can feel even a semblance of wholeness?
Do you agree that having so much energetic debris from sexual trauma has affected you on multiple levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically, sexually and more?
Can you see how it has limited you? How it has held you back in so many ways?
Even if you have done some form of therapy for it, did it really clear away the energetic gunk in your different energy bodies?
The pain, fear and destruction caused by sexual violation has been occurring on this planet for far too long.
It is time for you to stand in your power and say no more.
It is time for those of us who have experienced it and who are on the healing and spiritual path to begin to do something about it.
This is a call to the lightworkers of the world, the Warriors of Light, who have experienced sexual trauma of any kind, to come together in community and heal our wounds in ways we probably have not, as of yet.
This is about you committing to heal on an entirely new level. This is you taking your life back.
This is you taking a stand for humanity and contributing to the annihilation of rape consciousness on a global scale.
Because when you heal in this way, when you acknowledge that your emancipated radiant light is a Divine radiant and powerful Light, you can create miracles!
As a community, the miracles we can create are exponential!
I’m a healer, intuitive and oracle of sacred vocal sound. This means that through my singing and speaking voice, I channel healing and activating frequencies.
I work in depth with my Higher Self and a wide array of divine beings, primarily Ascended Masters and the angelic realms.
Introducing the Master Team:
Along with my Higher Self, a rather large group of these divine beings urged me to offer this program. They will be overseeing it from the spiritual realms and will be with you throughout.
During each of the healing ceremonies, they will work with you to clear and heal your wounds on multiple levels and to activate empowerments within you.
They are:
Mary Magdalene
Mother Mary
Kali Ma
Joan of Arc
Gaia (Mother Earth)
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael
Releasing the Wounds of Sexual Trauma is an 8-week virtual group program that will help you to release the energetic debris that you have likely carried within you for years from experiencing sexual violation and trauma. This trauma can be rape, incest, sexual abuse and more. Not only will we be clearing, but the Master Team will bring upon healing, filling you with love, igniting your light, with the aim of bringing you back into alignment with your natural state before any of the trauma happened.
This is a weekly program starting on September 25 at 7:00 pm EDT and running every Wednesday at this time until November 13, 2024.
The healing ceremonies will take place live on Zoom with a recording to be provided within 24 hours.
This program is open to women and men who have experienced sexual violation/trauma.
Week 1 - Opening Ceremony
An opening ceremony to welcome you into the sacred, quantum healing temple we will be in throughout the duration of the program. Our Ascended Master and angelic guides will come forward to bless you. This will be an initiatory healing that will begin to acclimatize you to the powerful frequencies you will receive and experience throughout the 8 weeks.
Week 2 - Physical Body
We will focus on clearing the energetic debris within your physical body caused by the sexual trauma. This is such an important aspect of the overall healing as so much of this energy is stored within the body. As we progress through focusing on other areas, your physical body will continue to be cleared.
Week 3 - Mental Body
Clearing the energetic debris within your mental body caused by the sexual trauma. So much changes in your mind and thought patterns as a result of the trauma. Things such as your sense of security, your ability to trust people, your self-esteem, brain fog, a decreased ability to focus, an array of psychological issues and so much more. We will work to clear as much as is possible within your mental body.
Week 4 - Emotional Body
Clearing the energetic debris within your emotional body caused by the sexual trauma. Clearing emotional effects such as rage, self-isolation, self-blame, lack or inability to love oneself, abandonment/rejection from others, feeling dirty/impure, feeling like the outsider and much more. We will work to clear as much as is possible within your emotional body.
Week 5 - Past Life
We will go into the zero point to clear and send healing to all your lifetimes happening simultaneously in the quantum field. You came into this incarnation already having the experience of so much sexual trauma. This healing will help to free you and your soul from the weight and entanglement of the pain and despair that affects you without you even knowing it.
Week 6 - Ancestral
Further free yourself by also helping your ancestors to clear and heal their sexual trauma. This is another way you come into life already having so much baggage that is not directly yours. Can you imagine how this healing not only helps to free them and you but also your descendants? This is such an important and impactful healing.
Week 7 - Mother Earth/Gaia
Now that you have healed and cleared at this level, you are now in a more powerful position to guide your healing powers to Mother Earth/Gaia and all life on this planet. Join me and the Master team to send healing to our beloved planet and remove as much as is possible of all the dross and energetic debris that plagues the land, the water and the air. Command the end of rape for all of humanity and for the animals who are also raped for human advantage. Let us not forget what happens to Gaia herself in the violent taking of so many of her resources. We are powerful and can participate in this healing ceremony to contribute.
Week 8 -
Closing Ceremony: Empowerments!
This program is not only about you receiving clearing and healing. It is about you receiving empowerments along the way but especially within this closing session. I have been told that each participant will receive empowerments that are specific to what they are destined to do here and will help them with their purpose. At a general level, all participants will receive empowerments that will enable them to have a strength and vigour to be able to effectively contribute to the annihilation of rape consciousness both as individuals but also as a community with those who have also completed this program.
Yes, it is about your healing. It absolutely is!
If you feel called to then continue and come together as a community, there is so much we can do to effect change energetically.
I won’t say more at this time, but I have been shown that the work of what we can do afterwards is what is being seeded now. It will be tremendously important for the emancipation of humanity.
Lightworkers around the world are coming together to work on different areas of focus. This is what we as lightworkers are meant to do now.
The annihilation of rape consciousness is essential.
This is for you if:
- You have experienced sexual trauma such as rape, sexual abuse, incest, trafficking, molestation and other forms. I will say here that I agree with Kaia Ra, the author of The Sophia Code, that all of these labels are rape. We can no longer allow them to be minimized into something supposedly lesser than what they actually are.
- You know you have not yet cleared and healed all the parts of you that have been affected by sexual trauma. It can be that you have not worked on healing it at all or that you have, but know there is more to do.
- You know that you are a lightworker. In my simple definition, this means that you are of the light and are here to do something incredible with it!
- You have a special place in your heart for Ascended Masters and the angelic realms.
- You feel affinity for the Rose Lineage.
- You have a deep desire to make a difference in the world.
What this is not:
- This is not psychotherapy. It is also not medical advice or treatment. I am not a licensed therapist or medical doctor. If you need those services, please seek them from licensed professionals.
- This is not a space to share your personal story. We will be focused on the healing taking place within each session. Once the session is complete, I will ask if anyone would like to share their healing experience or if they have any questions pertaining to the healing process. Program participants do not need to share if they don’t want to. They also don’t need to be on camera.
Regular price is $888 CAD. Currently on sale for $777!
$777 CAD
- $777 CAD is approximately $567 USD
- Early Bird Bonus: Pay in full by August 31 and receive a 1-hour private session with Sonia to further heal and clear your sexual trauma.
$259 CAD/m
3 monthly payments
- $259 CAD is approximately $189 USD
- This special 3-payment offer is only available until August 22. It will then go to only pay in full or 2-monthly payments.
Do this for yourself.
Do it for your impact on the world.
It will be an honour to have you join us in this program and if you choose, in this movement. The very act of healing in this way is so important and should positively impact your life.
Thank you for reading all the way to the end!
If you have any questions you can contact me HERE.
Many blessings to you!
Sonia Tavares