I Am Light

Channeled Reading

Be blessed with loving support and helpful insight

Receive guidance, wisdom and next step information in this channeled reading.

There are times on the spiritual journey in which we need support and inspiration on how to get through a difficult point, on how to manifest a goal or simply information on questions we have.

During this channeled reading, I will connect with your Higher Self and the Higher Conscious beings that come to offer their loving guidance and insightful wisdom. Through me they will share with you that which they know is the information you need to help you in your present moment and to guide you towards the next steps they suggest you take towards fulfilling your soul’s mission, your ascension, your empowerment or whatever it may be.

I may be guided within the reading to channel for you the healing energy I work with to help to clear something that is inhibiting you. That is, if you agree to receive this healing.

I work closely with Ascended Masters and they may come in and support you. I also have a High Council that specifically works with me and the energy/medicine I bring through. They may come in as a group or as individuals.


1 hour

$227 CAD

(approximately $168 USD)


Sonia Tavares is an Oracle of Sacred Sound, Healer and Intuitive, channeling powerful frequencies and messages from Ascended Masters, her Higher Self and other Divine Beings/Frequencies of Light. 

The predominant theme in her work is getting to the core of one’s self-empowerment and harvesting its ever-flowing radiance. All of this, to help heal humanity and contribute to the process of creating New Earth now.

"We are sovereign. We are powerful. We are abundant. We are Divine!"   ~ Sonia Tavares                                                                                                                                                                                    


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