
These first 3 are more general in nature

We can focus on the areas you are seeking help with.

Ignite Your Radiance Healing

Come with an open heart and receive healing for that which is troubling you. Release it.Ā 

Allow the channeled vocal frequencies to bring you into alignment with your divinity and power.


Compassion Key

Compassion Key is a gentle and loving way to clear and heal your anxieties, fears, the impacts of trauma and so much more. Choose to finally set yourself free from all that is holding you back. Self-compassion and self-love is the key to your liberation.

Turn the Key

The Fire to Thrive

Receive healing and guidance. This session can include one or several of the different ways I am able to help you. I will be guided as to how to best serve you

Take me there!

These session have themes. They are precious!

Divine Mother Channeled Healing

Feel Her embrace in this healing from Divine Mother.

Be energetically held in love and in oneness with the Creatrix of All Life. Receive blessings and healing through channeled energy and song. Step into peace and serenity.

Bless Me Mother

A Guided Journey to Reunite with Your Inner Child

Reunite with your precious Inner Child. Feel tremendous self-love, heal old wounds and empower yourself on this guided journey to meet your Inner Child and Phoenix Child.

Embrace Your Inner Child!

Unleash Your Voice - ThroatĀ  Chakra Healing

Remove blockages from your throat chakra that prevent you from fully expressing yourself. Free yourself from the inhibitions of not speaking up. This and much more!

Speak Up!

Stand in Your Power with Hathor and Sekhmet

Activate your courage, inner strength, power, will and determination to be that which you naturally are. Your root, sacral, solar plexus and throat chakras will be activated.

Feel my Roar!


I also have a variety of longer-term programs in which you can dive deeper into your healing and spiritual advancement.


Sonia Tavares is an Oracle of Sacred Sound, Healer and Intuitive, channeling powerful frequencies and messages from Ascended Masters, her Higher Self and other Divine Beings/Frequencies of Light. 

The predominant theme in her work is getting to the core of one’s self-empowerment and harvesting its ever-flowing radiance. All of this, to help heal humanity and contribute to the process of creating New Earth now.

"We are sovereign. We are powerful. We are abundant. We are Divine!"   ~ Sonia Tavares                                                                                                                                                                                    


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