Stand in Your Power with Hathor and Sekhmet


You were born into this life at such an important time in Earth’s history because your soul was equipped to handle and contribute to the transition into the New Earth. It is vital that you are ready, strong and resilient as we spend the next many years anchoring in more and more light onto Earth and creating much change.


It is time to activate your courage, inner strength, power, will and determination to be that which you naturally are.


Etherically enter the Temple of Dendera in Egypt where Ascended Master/Goddess Hathor and Goddess Sekhmet will lovingly hold you and then bathe you in healing, clearing and the activation of codes that will anchor in the qualities listed above.


As I channel their energy, sounds and messages, Hathor and Sekhmet will focus on your root, sacral, solar plexus and throat chakras. Be prepared to make sound as part of your throat chakra activation.


Step into your power and courage. Emanate your magnificent Light. You came here to do this!


Sessions are held virtually by video on Zoom.


1 hour

$227 CAD

(approximately $168 USD)

"I was uncertain what to expect signing up for the Stand in your Power with Hathor and Sekhmet session with Sonia. Turns out, it was an incredible hour of transformation for me and I came into a new surprising relationship with Power.  I felt I was in the presence of a Master Healer in ancient Egypt directly in the temples of Hathor and Sekhmet.  Sonia’s facilitation through what felt like a sound vortex into a healing space, led me to experience deep releasing and transmutation of dense ideas of power.  Her intuitive light language spoke directly into the heart of my soul where I felt I received insights with such ease.  The melodies she was channeling felt so ancient yet so perfect for the times. I highly recommend this healing with Sonia – and be surprised where power wants to show up more in your life."
Deepha Nedungat, New Zealand


Sonia Tavares is an Oracle of Sacred Sound, Healer and Intuitive, channeling powerful frequencies and messages from Ascended Masters, her Higher Self and other Divine Beings/Frequencies of Light. 

The predominant theme in her work is getting to the core of one’s self-empowerment and harvesting its ever-flowing radiance. All of this, to help heal humanity and contribute to the process of creating New Earth now.

"We are sovereign. We are powerful. We are abundant. We are Divine!"   ~ Sonia Tavares                                                                                                                                                                                    


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