Calling In My Beloved &

Creating Sacred Relationship


Created and Overlighted

by Mary Magdalene

Is there an aching in your heart for your special someone?


Your Beloved, your Sacred Partner?


Have you been on the spiritual path for a while and done much clearing and healing?

Made great strides in connecting with your soul, your Higher Self?

You’ve done all this and truly love yourself

but you know there is more love to behold?


You know you’re destined to be in Sacred Union

with your energetic match, your beloved counterpart.


Yes, it is a strong feeling.

A magnetic pull.


Mary Magdalene would like to help you.


The brilliant and powerful Ascended Master who created a burning sacred fire

in her lifetime and who has reignited this sacred fire now

in the hearts of many on the spiritual path.


If you feel a connection to her, is she calling out to you now?

Is that sacred fire burning within you?


Breathe into your heart and you will know.


Let your heart guide you.


She has asked that I bring forth the very potent work of preparing

spiritually mature souls who are ready, to call in their Beloved.

My name is Sonia Tavares. I'm a channeler of divine frequencies that emanate from me through vocal sounds, energy and spoken word. I am a Priestess in service to Divine Mother, Creatrix of All Life.  

Mary Magdalene has been an important mentor for me, guiding me through very pivotal years of my spiritual journey. She has prepared me to be the human vessel transmitting this Calling In My Beloved and Creating Sacred Relationship Program which she created and is overseeing.

I channel her frequencies and words throughout the program, along with those of other benevolent Beings of Light.

"I could feel the presence of Mary Magdalene and Jesus so strong … and when I felt the presence of my sacred partner step forward that was very powerful. It felt like I had been waiting for so many lifetimes. I felt very emotional afterward, lots of crying and releasing which is brilliant. I’m just gently trying now to let it all integrate. I can’t thank you enough for your incredible vocals, your Higher Self for guiding and assisting me in this powerful transformation. I’ve enjoyed each and every session so much. I’m going to miss your wonderful energy talking me through these shifts.” 


Program Outline


The program consists of 4 one-on-one sessions. Mary Magdalene is invoked for each as the overlighting Ascended Master healer. Other Ascended Masters, angels and guides will also be invited to help if they are needed or connected to you.

Prior to each session, you will receive journaling questions that will help you to identify that which needs to be released and cleared. What you are not consciously aware of will also be cleared.

The first 3 sessions focus on clearing tremendous amounts of dross/debris from you of stagnant and negative energy caused by past romantic relationships from the following:


Session 1 – The relationships of your past lifetimes and from your ancestral lineage on both sides.


Session 2 – The relationship of your parents/guardians and the effects of what you negatively experienced from within your family and home situation in this lifetime, directly related to their relationship. Your inner child will be brought in to receive clearing and healing and to also open up to the blessings of sacred relationship.


Session 3 – Your own past romantic relationships from this lifetime.


Each of these sessions will work to clear the negative perception of relationship that has been ingrained in you, opening up space to allow and create new healthy perceptions of sacred relationship.

In addition, after the clearing work is done there is almost always a second part of the session in which a beautiful journey of empowerment and/or revelation takes place. I may lead you on a channeled guided meditation or it may be a continuation of the channeled vocal sounds. I will share with you the brilliant and divine visions I receive. They are poignant and an important aspect of your healing experience.

After Session 3 is complete, you will be guided as to how to prepare for the beautiful ceremony that is Session 4.


Session 4 – Creating Sacred Relationship and Calling In Your Beloved Ceremony.

After a minimum of 7 days of preparation, in this ceremony, you will declare how you want your Sacred Relationship to be. It’s about imagining it, creating it and activating it into existence. You will then officially call in your Beloved!

What happens in your ceremony is channeled and will be specific to exactly what you need. You will likely be joined by many in your Spirit Team and others Being of Light who love you and want to support you in this very important step and universal declaration. The energy of your beloved is likely to join in as well. It is truly beautiful and so very powerful!

"My experience with Sonia’s sound healing and Sacred Relationship Program was absolutely fabulous!  Her tones and technique felt ancient. I could feel the tones moving in my body and at one point it actually felt like she was blowing straight into my third eye.  Old relationship patterns were cleared and these sessions caused me to recognize the limiting beliefs both from my family line, as well as beliefs formed in this lifetime resulting from my own history.  Finally, imaging and connecting with my Beloved and what our lives will be like and then putting that vision into manifestation through the incredible guided meditation that Sonia led me through felt like the final step in drawing my Beloved to me. I can’t recommend Sonia’s Sacred Relationship program enough."


Important Note from Mary Magdalene


Mary Magdalene wants you to know that you are doing this work first and foremost for yourself. For the energetic health it will bring you, for the joy of the upcoming union with your Beloved and the many ripple effects of goodness and love it will create in the world.

On a higher level and of particular importance is the fact that by partaking in this program, you will in fact seed Sacred Relationship for future generations of New Earth. The work you do now to imagine and create Sacred Relationship, the act of it manifesting into your life, and living it as your day-to- day reality, powerfully sows Sacred Relationship for the future. This work is Divine Service to humanity and to this planet!

3 Major Benefits of this Program


  1. The clearing on a massive scale of dross from painful past experiences of romantic relationship. So much that is not even directly yours. Remove this weight you carry and the energetic ties to it. Free yourself.
  2. Create what Sacred Relationship is for you. How do you want to be treated? What are the goals you have as a couple? Do you have a joint mission? How are you and your Beloved in Divine Service? This and so much more! Imagine it, create it, manifest that which your heart desires for you, your happiness and fulfillment within Sacred Relationship.
  3. Do the honourable work of contributing to the seeding of Sacred Relationship for New Earth.


This is a win-win!

"The Sacred Relationship program with Sonia was an incredibly beautiful and potent experience. As I was guided through each ceremony, I felt a lot of deep energetic and emotional clearing, followed by clarity and insight. What I did not anticipate was discovering that there were things that I needed to face and work through that I had been pushing under the rug regarding my previous relationship. In the safety of this container, along with the support and witnessing I was held in, I finally had the courage to face what I needed to. I now feel resolution with that area of my life as well as fully committed to (and excited about!!) my divine union, with a soft sense of assuredness that it is already done."


Divine Timing


You and your Beloved will come together in perfect divine timing. Neither Mary Magdalene or I claim that you will immediately find him/her upon completion. Could that happen? It’s certainly possible. It could also take weeks, months or even longer. This is about doing the pivotal work of clearing, creating what your heart desires in Sacred Relationship and calling in your Beloved. The divine plan for your union will dictate the timing of when it happens. This program will contribute to getting you on the timeline to make the union come together quicker, but again, there is no guarantee on timing.

Who Is This For?


  • Those who are seeking their Sacred Partner
  • Those who have been on the spiritual path for at least a few years and who have already done much work on their own healing and clearing
  • Those connected to Mary Magdalene and the lineage of the Way or the Way of the Rose
  • Those connected to other Ascended Masters, the angelic realm and other benevolent beings
  • Those consciously on the Ascension path
  • Those who have a deep desire to be in Divine Service with their Beloved. Who have a knowing that this is one of the primary reasons you are destined to come together.
  • Those who are not unhealthily fixated on finding their twin flame or any other label of relationship type. They know and trust their Sacred Partner is the person they are destined to create, heal and be in service with. The category of soul relationship is not as important as the energy between you and that which you create together.

“After working with Sonia, I have been in a more grounded and open state of being. Her healing and releasing work are profound and a one-of-a-kind program that only she delivers. The layers that she guided me through I have only touched upon. This is the next level that I have been looking for. The uniqueness of her program and her graceful weaving of healing, releasing and renewing is remarkable.”



$777 CAD

Pay in Full

2 X $400 CAD

Two Monthly Payments

Schedule a free call with me. We can find out if our energies mesh and if this is the right program for you at this time. This is a great opportunity to ask me questions you may have. I would also like to ensure that you are ready for this level of work prior to you making a payment.

Schedule the call below. I look forward to speaking with you!

"I highly recommend Sonia and her Sacred Relationship Program! During the 4 weeks, I experienced a huge emotional purge, no longer numb and really feeling again. So much in my life began to shift. I stepped more and more in my power, and ended up meeting an incredible partner before the 4th session. This program is unique and authentic!"


“The program’s journaling questions and prompts allowed me to think about events and feeling's I'm not always in touch with and what is going on beneath the 'surface' for me. So, bringing to my awareness things that actually hinder me. Being made aware of these hindrances, my readiness to let them go, and with the help of the sound healing and frequencies Sonia uses in the sessions, I feel in a much stronger position to step into what I truly desire with more clarity and an open heart.”


"My sessions with Sonia were very helpful. The sessions themselves are beautiful, I was often brought to tears. I danced as well. The experience requires a level of commitment that I think pushed me to process more deeply. I reflected on tendencies or habits that have been a problem for years. For the first time in a long time (maybe ever) I am at peace with my love life. I was able to make contact with my sacred partner and I have been able to surrender to what is."


“When I saw the program, I was drawn to it immediately. I prayed to Mary Magdalene and she waved to me three times to participate. The program took me by the hand, each session deepening the process. It proved itself session after session. I now have a strong sense of what is coming to me.

This program is brought down from the highest realms, by Mary Magdalene. As we enter a new spiritual golden age, more and more couples are called into divine service. So, if you feel called to this program do not delay and follow your heart's inner guidance.”



Sonia Tavares is an Oracle of Sacred Sound, Healer and Intuitive, channeling powerful frequencies and messages from Ascended Masters, her Higher Self and other Divine Beings/Frequencies of Light. 

The predominant theme in her work is getting to the core of one’s self-empowerment and harvesting its ever-flowing radiance. All of this, to help heal humanity and contribute to the process of creating New Earth now.

"We are sovereign. We are powerful. We are abundant. We are Divine!"   ~ Sonia Tavares                                                                                                                                                                                    


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